Underlying the strategic mission and plan are key principles and values. These seek to make a statement about what we believe is important. They influence not only what we seek to do, but more importantly the way we intend to do it.


Individuals Matter

The College is a community of learners, comprising both students and staff. We are committed to seeking the views of learners and identifying and providing appropriately for the learning, outcomes and development needs of each individual in an environment that is safe, stimulating, enjoyable, challenging, and fun and in which the College strives to deliver the five outcomes of Every Child Matters (ECM).

Diversity and Mutual Respect

Equality of opportunity and inclusivity are guiding principles in all aspects of college life. We are committed to celebrating diversity and creating opportunities for the development of mutual understanding to foster respect for others and to support the development of rounded and reasoning individuals.

Integrity and leadership

We expect the highest standards of professional conduct and attitude. We will encourage and support innovation, creativity and accountability through systems of shared leadership and joint responsibility that are based upon the exercise of responsible judgement. This will be supported by a commitment to respond with pace to changes both locally and nationally.

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