- Business, Finance and Law
- Education, Society, Sport and Health
- Humanities, Languages and Literature
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
- Sixth Form Collaborations
Student Podcast Collaboration
Five of our first year students joined forces with Higher Horizons+ and Staffordshire University Alumni to make a double episode podcast for their series 1 finale! Listen to Ciara, Mickey, Rowan, Jasmine and Layla as they discuss how they chose the paths they are on, after two years of Covid. No prom, no visits to college, no work experience days – 100% online, 100% of the time. Think you know what they were thinking? Think again!
what we recommend
- Business, Finance and Law
- Education, Society, Sport and Health
- Humanities, Languages and Literature
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
- Sixth Form Collaborations
Dan Snowʼs History Hit
Featuring reports from the weird and wonderful places around the world where history has been made and interviews with the world’s leading historians, academics, actors and politicians.
History Extra
Featuring interviews with notable historians on topics spanning ancient history through to recent British to American events.
BBC – Heart and Soul
The Diary of a CEO
Ask the geographer
Keep your GCSE and A Level case studies up to date with the latest geographical research.
The A Level Politics Show
A show that appeals to anyone who is interested in current affairs, and who would like to find out more about how politics actually works.
BBC – Word of Mouth
BBC – World Book Club
BBC – The Poetry Detective
BBC – Open Book
This podcast features Open Book and A Good Read. Open Book talks to authors about their work. In A Good Read Harriett Gilbert discusses favourite books.
BBC – The Week in Westminster
Talking Politics
Revise – A Level Economics Revision
In this series, students break down complicated revision subjects to their core components helping you rock your exams.
Analysing Politicians’ Words
Economics In Ten
Economics In Ten is your go-to podcast if you want to learn about the lives, times and ideas of the world’s greatest economic thinkers.
BBC – Bookclub
Led by James Naughtie, a group of readers talk to acclaimed authors about their best-known novels.
BBC Sounds – Americast
The King’s Fund
Spanish Podcasts
French Podcasts
BBC Sounds – History Podcasts
Historical Association, The voice for history
Over 350 high-quality podcast talks by history experts across a wide range of historical periods, regions and themes.
BBC – Newscast
BBC – The Forum
BBC – Thinking Allowed
BBC – All in the Mind
The Vocal Fries Pod
The A level Politics Podcast
Sky News Podcasts
Student Podcast Collaboration
Five of our first year students joined forces with Higher Horizons+ and Staffordshire University Alumni to make a double episode podcast for their series 1 finale! Listen to Ciara, Mickey, Rowan, Jasmine and Layla as they discuss how they chose the paths they are on, after two years of Covid. No prom, no visits to college, no work experience days – 100% online, 100% of the time. Think you know what they were thinking? Think again!
BBC – Something Understood
Ethical and religious discussion that examines some of the larger questions of life, taking a spiritual theme and exploring it through music, prose and poetry.
The Sports Coaching Podcast
The Sport Psych Show
BBC – Inside Health
Series that demystifies health issues, separating fact from fiction and bringing clarity to conflicting health advice.
BBC – In Our Time
Stephanomics, a podcast hosted by Bloomberg Economics head Stephanie Flanders.
Discover the hidden side of Economics with Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the Freakonomics books.
BBC – A Good Read
BBC – More or Less
Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4.
German Podcasts
The Shamima Begum case
This series is host to episodes created by the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford which is part of the Faculty of Law, within the Social Sciences Division.