Every year students come to the Sixth Form with an amazing array of exceptional skills and abilities – academic, sporting, musical and many more.
We understand that college life is about more than just qualifications. We highly value the exceptional skills and abilities that our students bring, whether in academia, sports, music, or other areas. That’s why we offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including clubs, societies, trips, and visits as part of our NEW ASPIRE+ Programme.
NEW! Sport Academy
Our Sport Academy aims to provide more students with sporting opportunities with our two key elements; our Performance Academies & Elite Scholarship Programme We can offer both competitive sport and coaching opportunities across various disciplines and delivering sporting excellence for interested students.
Achieve More
We will challenge you to aim high in many ways during your time with us, and for academically talented students we offer the following programmes to help you to excel:
unlock your potential
Coming to college offers a unique opportunity to take part in a broad range of exciting activities, which will
help you to develop your confidence, give you great employability skills and help you to have fun, whilst making lasting friendships.