City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College
As described on the Governance page of the Potteries Educational Trust website, the Local Governing Body of the City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College has responsibility for the strategic oversight of the operational management of the College. The Local Governing Body is a committee of the Trust Board and operates subject to the Terms of Reference and the Scheme of Delegation.
Key Responsibilities
The Local Governing Body has three key responsibilities:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the College within the Strategic Plan of the Trust.
- Hold Executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the College and its students and for the performance management of staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Information about each of the College’s Local Governing Body members is displayed below and Declarations of Interests are submitted on an annual basis.
How the Local Governing Body performs its role
The Local Governing Body holds formal meetings four times each academic year. During those meetings a range of agenda items are discussed and two sub-groups meet to focus on a) Teaching, Learning and Assessment and b) Finance, Resources and Risk Management.
In addition, Governors form closer relationships with areas of the College through the Link Governor arrangements (see Link Governor doc) and are part of the drive to maintain and improve standards by participating in thrice-yearly subject Quality Boards.
Governors also increase their understanding of College life by participating in student shadowing, holding mock interviews for University applications, attending events and parent evenings and meeting with groups of students.
The Local Governing Body believes in the features of effective governance as described on the website of the National Governance Association.
Annual reviews of the impact of the Local Governing Body and its members ensure that these standards are upheld.
members of the governing body
Students | 2 |
Parents | 2 |
Staff | 2 |
Principal | 1 |
Others | 5 |
At all times the Local Governing Body works closely with the Principal, the Senior Leadership team and all members of staff to take actions and make decisions which enable the three key responsibilities to be met. The Local Governing Body understands that it is accountable to students, parents, staff and the community which is served by the College. The minutes of all meetings are available and can be requested by contacting the Clerk to the Local Governing Body.
The role of the Local Governing Body is one of strategic direction and support. The Principal and the Senior Leadership Team have responsibility for the day to day decision making processes of the College.
Local Governing Body Members’ Pen Portraits
Any queries regarding Governance of the College should be directed to the Clerk to the Local Governing Body, Amy Johnson or call 01782 854217.