Level 3 Transition
Course Overview
The Transition Programme is a new type of study programme, specifically designed to develop the skills, experience, knowledge and behaviours to support progression onto a Level 3 programme of study.
This programme is targeted at students who are not ready to start Level 3 but have the potential to progress onto a Level 3 programme of study following a tailored preparation programme. It is designed to support your success in achieving 4+ in both English and Maths, alongside our Transition Programme to get you ready for the Level 3 programme of study the year after.
Make your mark
How SFC will help you to boost your CV by developing your skills and qualifications…
During this course you will be:
- Working both as individuals and in collaboration with others in a range of situations.
- Studying the approaches of contemporary and historical artists from different cultures and their contribution to continuity and change in society.
- Developing a working vocabulary and knowledge of specialist terms relevant to chosen areas of study.
- Having visits from contemporary practitioners and the opportunity to visit galleries and exhibitions.