Caring Community
We want all our students to enjoy their time at college and we are committed to providing a high level of personalised support, whether that is with your studies, your health and wellbeing or your finances.
College Support
Here at the Sixth Form College, our Safeguarding team is dedicated to the safety and well-being of our college community.
The team works with internal and external support to ensure that the needs of our students and broader college community are reviewed and met. The Safeguarding team also assists students and their families by providing support through our foodbank and clothing. additional support can be found by clicking the links
Meet Our Team

Nicky Birch

Charlotte Barker

Julie Clews

Clare Bowker
Here at the City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College we pride ourselves on providing our students with a safe, caring and supportive environment in which to learn. Our team works closely with teachers, senior leaders, governors, and our partner agencies to ensure that the needs of our learners are met. We understand the complexities, challenges and difficulties some of our learners and their families are faced with and we are here to ensure that their experience whilst a student at the college is positive, enabling them to achieve their full personal and academic potential.
Should you wish to contact a member of the Safeguarding team please contact 07400 887220 or email safeguarding@potteries.ac.uk
As a student at the Sixth Form College you will have a Progress Coach who will monitor your progress throughout your studies as well as deliver your weekly group tutorial. Each term you will spend one-to-one time with your personal Progress Coach to discuss your overall progress in college. Each meeting will also focus on your attendance and future plans. All this information will be recorded and will be accessible to both parents and students via Cedar.
Helping our students consider and plan their next step is something we excel at and take great pride in. Our Careers and Progression Team are always available to help you research careers, education, apprenticeships and employment opportunities, as well as assisting you with your applications for universities or jobs.
As a student at the Sixth Form College, you will have a Progress Coach who will monitor your progress throughout your studies as well as deliver your weekly group tutorial. Each term you will spend one-to-one time with your personal Progress Coach to discuss your overall progress in college. Each meeting will also focus on your attendance and future plans. All this information will be recorded and will be accessible to both parents and students via Cedar.
We encourage all students to participate in the work experience programme. For some students it will be essential to carry out work experience to complete your course. For others it may be needed in order to gain a place on your chosen university course or apprenticeship. We will support you before, during and after your placement to ensure you have a successful experience in a safe, relevant and friendly environment.
At the Sixth Form College, we offer selected internships to our students. Internships are similar to work experience placements but are based within the college. Areas, where internships are currently offered, include; Marketing, Admissions, Reprographics, Estates, Catering, Reception and IT support.
We recognise that some students will have additional responsibilities at home, e.g. providing elements of care for other members of the family or being a young parent. Understanding this, we would make every effort to provide support and flexibility for your studies.
The college is committed to ensuring that as far as possible, students with a disability or learning difficulty have equal access to courses and services offered by the college. If you have any physical disability or special educational needs, you will receive help from the student support team at the college and we will make every effort to adjust our provision and facilities to meet your needs. Via our close links with local high schools we will make every effort to make sure your transition to the Sixth Form College is as smooth as possible.
The college offers a professional service, with a qualified counsellor available for appointments and for weekly drop-in sessions.
Our experienced team of counsellors and Emotional Wellbeing Officers are available for group and one-to-one confidential support.
The journey to becoming radicalised is different for everyone, there are many reasons why a person becomes vulnerable. Radicalisation can take place very quickly, or over a long period of time.
More important than any one specific sign is the sense that something is not quite right with the person you’re worried about. You could spot one sign or a combination of signs that seem to be increasing in intensity. However, there are certain behaviours you can watch out for that we often see when someone is being led down the path of extremism.
- isolating themselves from family and friends.
- talking as if from a scripted speech.
- unwillingness or inability to discuss their views.
- a sudden disrespectful attitude towards others.
- increased levels of anger.
- increased secretiveness, especially around internet use.
If you have concerns that a person is at risk of radicalisation you can make a report to Staffordshire Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Information can be reported to the Staffordshire Police Prevent Team by calling them on 01785 232054. You can also call the National Police Prevent Advice Line on 0800 011 3764, in confidence to share your concerns.
Students, their families and staff can discuss their concerns with Charlotte Barker (Safeguarding Manager) Julie Clews (Safeguarding Officer and DDSL) or Clare Bowker (Safeguarding and Support Officer) who work as the college safeguarding team.
For more information you could visit ACT Early to explore the signs that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation
bursary & travel information
You may be entitled to financial support from the College Bursary Scheme to help meet the costs of continuing with your studies.
For more information about Financial Support, click here.

If you are unsure what course you think you should choose or what career you would like to aspire towards then contact Admissions: